Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Jokes to brighten your day and cheer you up!
After all, laughter is the best medicine!

Woman Without Man

An English professor wrote the words, "
woman without her man is nothing" on the blackboard and directed the students to punctuate it correctly.

The men wrote: "
Woman, without her man, is nothing."

The women wrote: "
Woman! Without her, man is nothing."

The Printing Press
What do you get when you put 100 Chinamen under a printing press?
The Yellow Pages
What do you get when you put 100 Indians under a printing press?
A year's supply of carbon paper.

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A boy was walking down a street. As he passed a building with a fence around it, he heard a group of people chanting "Thirteen, thirteen, thirteen" over and over again. Curious, he tried to see over the fence, but couldn't. Then he spotted a hole in the wood. He put his eye to the hole. He just managed to spy some people sitting in deckchairs chanting, before a finger came out of nowhere and poked him in the eye. As he staggered back, the people started chanting, "Fourteen, fourteen, fourteen..."

Cab Driver

A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimetres from a shop window.
For a second everything went quiet in the cab, then the driver said, "Look mate, don't ever do that again. You scared the daylights out of me!" The passenger apologized and said, "I didn't realize that a little tap would scare you so much." The driver replied, "Sorry, it's not really your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver - I've been driving a funeral van for the last 25 years."

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